We do not ask for DONATIONS. If you want to collaborate with the different areas of need, we put you in direct contact with those who are in need, if possible, or with the person in charge.


The Lord has a special care for the needy, the oppressed, the captives, the poor, the maltreated....

He has made it very clear in His Word what is our responsibility towards them, while we are "passing through" here on earth. The Church is NOT the building, WE ARE the Church. Therefore, wherever a son or daughter of God is, he or she is an Ambassador from Heaven, representing Jesus.

We are praying for a worldwide revival. We are thrilled to see multitudes come to Christ, humbled, repentant and regenerated. However, revival must begin in us, in our hearts, overthrowing all the idols that still dominate us, among them, selfishness, lack of empathy with those who suffer, religiosity that dresses up as justice.

We forget that the Earth is a passing place as "pilgrims and strangers", a forgetfulness that has comfortably accommodated us to this world and that does not allow us to detach ourselves from that with which we could bless those who are in need...

​And we hide behind verse 33 of Matthew 6 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." When God works miracles, He doesn't need us. When God provides, he doesn't need us. When God heals, he doesn't need us. When God delivers and rescues, He does not need us.... He is God... He does not need us. Many times, we could be the miracle in answer to the prayers of those who cry out for help; just as we pray for the Lord to send laborers into His harvest and call ourselves to do the work....

​The ancient world, knew the Gospel and Salvation through the One Savior and Lord: Yeshua, HaMassiah, because the generosity and liberality that began with the Ancient Church contributed to the spread of the Good News. Inhospitable places. Missionaries who gave everything for the sake of the Gospel, often received support and help to continue, because some widows or charitable souls, attentive to the voice of God, received from the Holy Spirit, the restlessness to give in obedience to the Lord and with joy.

​Today, there are still missionaries risking their lives and those of their families, in countries where they are exposed to death, torture and imprisonment, but very little is heard of those who were attentive to the heart of God, to supply "the needs of the saints". Church! God has always kept a remnant throughout the ages! "Return to the old paths..., and bend not your knees to Baal" Amen!

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